Our priorities and achievements 2019-2024

Our priorities and achievements 2019-2024
Making the digital transformation work for all
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We need to guarantee the right for everyone to have their data protected

We want to guarantee the right for everyone to have their personal data protected, privacy online respected and not to be discriminated against through or by digital applications or artificial intelligence.

We are fighting to protect your privacy in the digital world

We want to update the rules on privacy in the digital age, and more specifically the confidentiality of communications and the rules regarding tracking and monitoring, to ensure that our communications are not just secure, but also private, that we are not tracked online without our knowledge or consent, and that no profiles are made of us to influence or exploit our consumption habits, our likes and dislikes, or our political and social choices for economic or political gain.

AI needs to be controlled

We need to create rules to promote human-centric and trustworthy Artificial Intelligence in Europe. The S&D Group aims to protect people’s fundamental rights, health and safety by reinforcing safeguards, empowering people, increasing AI literacy and, where risks are too high or contrary to our values, ban certain AI systems.     

Rules on electronic evidence need to strike a balance

We need to ensure that the rules on gathering electronic evidence strike the right balance between the needs of the law enforcement and judiciary on one hand and the protection of the fundamental rights of individuals on the other. We also need to guarantee that the law secures that the encroachments into privacy and protection of personal data are strictly proportionate and necessary. 

We need to regulate algorithms on social media

We need to stop social media companies from creating algorithmic funnels that lead to their users to consuming more radicalised, conspiratorial and outrage-inducing content.

'Big Tech' needs to be held accountable

We have to create rules for 'Big Tech' to protect users, especially vulnerable users. Large social media and online platforms (Facebook, Instagram, X, Amazon, App Store) have to be responsible for the content they host and take measures to counter illegal content, goods and services.

We need to prioritise SME's over 'Big Tech'

Ensure a fairer Digital Single Market for start-ups and small businesses by stopping Big Tech such as Amazon from favouring their own services over those of others. 

Online marketplaces need to be made liable for the products on their platforms

Make online marketplaces liable for the illegal products sold on their platforms, and ensure that consumers can buy products that they know will be safe and there are people they can contact and, if necessary, hold responsible if that’s not the case.  

We need to narrow the social and regional digital gap through the use of digital technologies in schools

We want to ensure that digital education complements and enhances in-person education, and allows for tailored education fit for the needs of the learner, including disadvantaged groups. In addition, we need to develop training opportunities for teachers and the adaptation of curricula contributing to the best use of digital tools, simultaneously ensuring distance and blended learning not substituting, but complementing in person teaching.