Our priorities and achievements 2019-2024

Our priorities and achievements 2019-2024
A Social Europe: quality jobs and decent living standards
Uber delivery platform worker
We want to end poverty

We want a comprehensive anti-poverty strategy with binding targets to reduce poverty and put an end to homelessness, the revision of EU state aid rules with the aim of ensuring social housing and developing socially-mixed neighbourhoods, binding targets to ensure affordable housing (at least 30% of new housing for low-income groups and 30% for middle-income groups), a dedicated budget of at least €20bn for the European Child Guarantee and a doubling of the European Social Fund plus (ESF+) budget for the most deprived, and a directive on adequate minimum income schemes, ensuring the integration of persons absent from the labour market.

We support employment across borders

We want a stronger mandate for the European Labour Authority (ELA) to better protect mobile workers, third-country nationals included, the introduction of a European Social Security Pass (ESSPASS), as a Union-wide enforcement tool to co-ordinate social security and ensure fair labour mobility, and EU funding for counselling and transnational support networks for mobile workers.

We are fighting for quality jobs and decent working conditions

We want a directive on artificial intelligence at the workplace to ensure human control of employment related decisions and to protect workers’ fundamental and social rights, a directive on quality traineeships to end the exploitation of young people and that trainees and interns are fairly paid, and a directive on workers’ information, consultation and participation applicable to all company forms, subcontracting chains and franchises, in order to anticipate changes such as restructuring, digital transformation and climate change.

We want the revision of the European Works Council Directive to improve information and consultation of workers’ representatives of multinational companies, avoid abuses of confidentiality clauses by the management and provide for effective sanctions. We also want the revision of the Temporary Agency Work Directive to put a stop to labour market intermediaries that do not comply with EU law and to ensure equal treatment of workers, including seasonal and mobile workers.

We also want a limitation of subcontracting chains and clear liability rules for subcontracting.

Your health and safety at work is our priority

In our efforts to support workers, we advocate for several key directives to enhance the balance between work and personal life and to protect well-being. Firstly, we propose a directive addressing the right to disconnect and outlining clear conditions for teleworking. Recognising the significance of mental health, we advocate for a directive specifically addressing psychosocial risks and promoting overall well-being in the workplace. Additionally, we emphasise the importance of a directive focusing on work-related musculoskeletal disorders, with the goal of creating a healthier and more ergonomic working environment. Moreover, we champion a directive dedicated to ensuring the recognition and appropriate compensation for occupational diseases, such as depression, burn-out, and skin cancer. 

We want to strengthen to the European social model

We center our efforts on integrating the European Pillar of Social Rights and a social progress protocol in the EU Treaties to protect social rights at the same level as the economic freedoms in the single market. We also want a sustainable development and social progress pact to make sustainability and social target mandatory. Regarding public spending, we want a social conditionality, meaning that not a single euro from the EU budget can be spent on projects that do not respect social and labour rights. Overall, we want to protect people from austerity policies and prevent social risks deriving from policy actions and economic reforms. 

We need resilience in time of crises

We want the establishment of a European unemployment benefit reinsurance scheme to temporarily support national schemes in times of crises and the continuation of the European instrument for temporary Support to mitigate Unemployment Risks in an Emergency (SURE) as a permanent instrument to support short-time work schemes in times of crises.