Our priorities and achievements 2019-2024

Our priorities and achievements 2019-2024
Inclusive and sustainable EU industry policy
Sun panels sustainable green energy electricity
We are fighting for the climate when it comes to industrial policy

The social consequences of the EU’s transition to carbon neutrality must be addressed, especially in the relation to the interests of workers and most vulnerable citizens. Also, the increase of EU competitiveness should always respect the climate goals and face the challenges of global warming. The development of industrial projects should deliver tangible positive impacts for the public interest in line with both social and environmental sustainability.

We support small businesses

It is our priority to continue to support micro, small and medium enterprises, as well as start-ups and scale-ups that allow them to contribute to the green and digital transition.

We support Ukraine and Ukrainians

We will continue to give support to Ukraine and Ukrainians and the strengthening of the EU’s defense industry for safety and security in Europe and abroad. 

We are fighting to improve the EU's digital infrastructure

We are fighting for better digital infrastructure via deployment of super high-speed capacity networks – accessible for all European citizens, including those residing in rural and remote areas.

We want to increase the EU's autonomy

We want to increase the production of microchips and boost research and development in the EU to keep the EU at the centre of the world's production and innovation capacity. 

We need to promote education and equality in education

Education is vital. We promote data literacy and cybersecurity for Europeans as well as fair and open use of data by consumers, businesses and the public sector. Additionally, we want to see more girls and women in the digital sector and in science, technology, engineering and mathematics in general.