Our priorities and achievements 2019-2024

Our priorities and achievements 2019-2024
Promoting human rights and sustainable global developments with equal partners
Protest fight woman child
The EU is founded on the respect of human rights

EU foreign policy needs to promote democracy, the rule of law, the universality and indivisibility of human rights and fundamental freedoms, respect for human dignity, the principles of equality and solidarity, and respect for the principles of the United Nations Charter and international law. The Sakharov Prize awarded each year by the European Parliament to human rights defenders worldwide reflects this view. 

Promoting the principle of human rights must come first

The  S&D Group insists on this principle: Promotion of human rights must come first, not just when it is convenient or easy. We do not refrain from raising abuses even in the most powerful countries or those in our neighborhood. The EU’s policies on human rights should therefore lead to more assertive, decisive and effective actions. 

Avoiding negative spillover at the expense of countries in the Global South

For S&Ds, it is of a high importance that the EU and member states' policies avoid negative spill over effects at the expense of countries in the Global South which are the most vulnerable. We also want to ensure that all EU policies should be subjected to a mandatory SDGs check to better understand and address any negative effects.  

A partnership with Africa

The S&D Group believes our equal partnership with Africa is crucial to face global challenges together. We are the only group in the EP to establish a continual, high-level dialogue with African decision makers, civil society and a diverse range of representatives through our 'S&D Africa Week' event and our work on the EU-African-Caribbean-Pacific countries Joint Parliamentary Assembly. The final goal is tackling joint challenges despite the rising of geopolitical tensions.

A sustainable agricultural sector in African countries

For S&Ds, it is also of utmost importance to support the development of an efficient and ecologically sustainable agricultural sector in African countries allowing a high level of self-sufficiency and increasing food security in times of great adversity.

Defending democracy

We have constantly championed European Parliament resolutions defending democracy and common fights against foreign interference and efforts to bring about stability.

A deeper relationship with Latin America

The S&D Group has developed both a multi- and bilateral approach to Latin America, and some of its key countries, over years of delegations and meetings with sister and other progressive parties in the framework of the regular S&D Latin America days or in the margins of the Eurolat Joint Parliamentary Assemblies. The potential for a better and deeper relationship with Latin America is enormous and goes well beyond trade. Our group wants to create tools to protect democracy and the rule of law, to resist authoritarianism, to fight climate change, to promote the digital transition and tackle inequalities with socio-economic opportunities for the more vulnerable groups, as well as promote gender equality and women's rights. One of the tools we are using is that of tabling resolutions during the plenaries of the European Parliament. We have tabled strong resolutions on Brazil, Cuba, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Venezuela to make the voice of the European Parliament loud and clear.