Our priorities and achievements 2019-2024

Our priorities and achievements 2019-2024
The European Union in the world
Planet world space universe Europe Africa
The EU and open strategic autonomy

For the S&Ds, ‘open strategic autonomy’ means a stronger, more united, and more assertive Europe that puts the interests and values of its citizens first. A Europe that decides and acts autonomously when needed, without an over reliance on the resources and support of outside players. At the same time, the European Union should continue doing everything it can to defend multilateralism, the rules-based international order, and on an open and fair trade.

The Transatlantic Partnership

The S&D Group has been a great supporter of strong and balanced TA ties. The EU and the US have been and will continue to be strategic partners, even more so in the current challenging geo-political context. Under the Trump Administration, transatlantic relations have encountered tense moments and have taught us that our relationship should never be taken for granted. We have invested in improving our relations under the Biden Administration. We have worked toward building stronger ties and a more resilient alliance of democracies for reinvigorating the multilateral world order and resisting the assertive authoritarians undermining it.

China: A strategic competitor, rival and partner

We expect China to assume its responsibilities as a permanent member of the UNSC upholding a rules-based international order, an effective multilateralism and global governance. China should promote peace and stability and play a constructive role in resolving conflicts, including the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. S&Ds lead the fight for the promotion and respect of human rights, democracy and the rule of law, which must be at the centre of the EU’s external relations and should be the cornerstone of our relations with China. In this respect, China needs to put an end to the systemic repression of the Tibetan and Uygur minorities and should be held accountable for the crimes against humanity being perpetrated against the Uyghur population in Xinjiang, which constitutes serious risk of genocide. We reaffirm the need for a mutual commitment to the 'One Country, Two Systems' principle and S&Ds have systematically condemned its violations by the Chinese authorities in the case of the continued crackdowns on human rights in Hong Kong and Macao by application of the National Security Laws which should be repealed.

The Middle east: Peace and human rights

The Middle East has long been a political focal point for the S&D Group. We have invested in our support for the Middle East Peace Process with the aim of achieving a just and lasting peace for Israelis and Palestinians in the framework of the two-state solution along the 1967 borders and with Jerusalem as the capital of both states. As pointed out by High Representative, a social democrat, Josep Borrell, we need to resume genuine 'two-state solution' talks between both sides aimed at achieving tangible results in the context of the broader Arab-Israeli conflict. We have expressed our strong support for the comprehensive approach put forward by the High Representative, marking the EU's active role in ending the bloodshed in Gaza and paving the way for the establishing of a Palestine state alongside Israel.