European Social Fund

The European Social Fund is the EU’s principal instrument for promoting employment and social inclusion, focusing particularly on the most vulnerable. It is based on four main thematic objectives:

(1) promoting employment and labour mobility;
(2) investing in education, training and vocational training for skills and life-long learning;
(3) promoting social inclusion and combating poverty and discrimination; and
(4) enhancing the institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders, and efficient public administration.

The agreement reached with the Council includes the S&D Group’s main points and is very satisfactory. The main achievements of the agreement include an increased ESF budget (minimum 20%) for the fight against poverty and social exclusion; positive criteria for the youth employment initiative, with specific reference to implementing the youth guarantee; more indicators to measure the impact of projects on social inclusion; inclusion of asylum seekers and refugees; five investment priorities instead of four; and clear reference to the involvement of social partners and non-governmental organisations at all levels.