Kiedy widzieliśmy Elona Muska wchodzącego do siedziby Twittera z umywalką nieco ponad dwa lata temu, czy spodziewaliśmy się, że sprawy tak szybko eskalują? Dociera do nas...
At €200bn, EU budget 2025 is 6% bigger than this year’s, meaning a €10bn increase. It responds to the needs of Europeans while being able to pay back for the post...
Our current European Diplomacy architecture is defined by its hybrid nature – a mosaic of temporary personnel loans, which mainly big Member States can afford, and...
Jeśli dochodzenie wykaże, że wykorzystano pracę przymusową, władze nakażą wycofanie towarów z rynku Unii Europejskiej i platform internetowych oraz ich konfiskatę na...
Child labour in the Congo to extract cobalt for our smartphones and rainforest degradation in Brazil for soy products ending up in our supermarkets are just two examples...
Rarely are the moral, legal, political and economic arguments for action as strong as in the case for confiscating Russia’s state assets to fund Ukraine’s recovery and...
Culture and education give the European project its soul. Without it, the EU would have been a mere economic endeavour. But it is not, and this is its strength. Now, less...
Z okazji Międzynarodowego Dnia Eliminacji Przemocy wobec Kobiet nasi eurodeputowani opublikowali w różnych europejskich dziennikach komentarz dnia, wzywając do przyjęcia...
After lengthy negotiations, the European Parliament is set to vote in Strasbourg on the report calling for a Europe-wide approach to prostitution, by decriminalising...
With the social-economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the 2021-27 Multi-annual Financial Framework (MFF), the motorhouse...