Our priorities and achievements 2019-2024

Our priorities and achievements 2019-2024
Restoring and protecting our planet
Trees forest sun green deal
We support the creation and promotion of bold EU laws that protect the environment

We support the creation and promotion of bold EU laws that protect the environment, such as the European Green Deal and its plans. These rules aim to take a thorough and lasting approach to keeping our environment safe.

We want a just transition in climate and environmental action

We want a just transition in climate and environmental action, leaving no one and no region behind. Our goal is to reduce the harm from environmental pollution and degradation in vulnerable communities, while looking at how environmental actions affect people socially to make sure everyone gets a fair deal.

We are fighting to make sure the EU keeps its promises on protecting biodiversity

We are pushing for laws that protect at least 30% of the EU's land and sea, with 10% under strict protection. We also back the 23 worldwide goals in the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

We are fighting for more and healthier EU forests

We are fighting for more and healthier EU forests, focusing on their protection and restoration, while also working towards additional CO2 removal in the land use and forestry (LULUCF) sector. We are committed to reducing the EU's impact on global deforestation and forest degradation, and bringing down EU greenhouse gas emissions. To achieve these goals, we push for EU laws addressing deforestation, forest degradation and biodiversity loss.

We are committed to reducing pesticides and sustainable agriculture

We advocate for reducing chemical pesticides, with a focus on the more hazardous types. Our goal is to speed up the transition to different models of agriculture that protect our water, soil, and air resources, stop biodiversity loss and combat pest resistance.

We advocate for chemical safety and reduction

We advocate for chemical safety and reduction and are working towards minimising or removing exposure to harmful chemicals, including industrial chemicals (PFAS, Bisphenols, etc.), agricultural pesticides, and those present in every-day products. We are aware that combining different chemicals can be harmful, with consequences that are not fully known, and so we are committed to addressing the impact of these potentially harmful mixtures.

We are dedicated to improving air quality across Europe

We are working towards aligning harmful air pollutant levels with the latest health recommendations from the World Health Organisation to protect everyone's well-being, especially those in lower socio-economic groups. To do this, we are working on stricter rules to reduce pollution from transportation, industry and farming, tackling the main causes of air pollution in Europe.

We are committed to cutting industrial emissions, and enhancing industry’s energy and resource-use efficiency

We are committed to cutting industrial emissions, and enhancing industry’s energy and resource-use efficiency by pushing for improved laws on industrial emissions. Our goal is to tighten regulations on harmful emissions from industrial installations, drive improvements in energy, water and material efficiency, promote reuse practices, and fight for the adoption of safer, less toxic or non-toxic chemicals in industrial processes.

We are committed to increasing water quality and reducing pollution

We advocate for laws that cut industrial pollution, curb unsustainable farming practices and regulate the overuse of fertilisers and pesticides. This will make sure that we use soil sustainably, decrease the contamination of European soil and restore natural sinks that absorb carbon. 

We are committed to leading the transition towards a circular economy

We are committed to leading the transition towards a circular economy, making products sustainable in the EU market, while reducing the reliance on plastic packaging and tackling the pervasive issue of micro-plastics.

We are committed to improving soil quality and stopping land degradation

We are fighting to ensure the restoration and sustainable management of EU soil by 2050, while fulfilling our promises to land degradation neutrality (outlined in the UN Sustainable Development Goal 15.3). 

We are fighting for sustainable fishing and natural resource management

We want the adoption of more fishing techniques that prioritise the health of our environment and marine ecosystems. At the same time, promoting the Farm to Fork Strategy is crucial in order to speed up the transition to a sustainable food system, so everyone can have access to sustainable, safe, nutritious and affordable food.