Tackling taxes fairly

Fairly tackling taxes

As far as money laundering, tax evasion, tax avoidance, and unfair tax competition between EU countries go, we have led on a series of measures and initiatives to tackle these issues. To start with, we successfully set up special committees in the Parliament, putting the investigation of the Panama papers and LuxLeaks scandals at the top of the agenda. On top of this, we led the revision of the Anti-Money Laundering Directive which helps prevent tax avoidance and evasion by allowing the automatic exchange of information between tax administrations.

In practical terms, we fought for country-by-country yearly tax reporting by multinational companies in the EU to be made public. This means tax authorities can understand which countries multinationals make their profits in, and consequently stop them evading taxes. This is a crucial step in making companies pay their taxes where they make their profits.