Mobilising progressive forces throughout Europe

Mobilising progressive forces throughout Europe

We have taken numerous initiatives to open up dialogue and work with NGOs, trade unions and progressive social networks.

We have been meeting thousands of people outside the Brussels bubble, through our Together and Go Local events. The Europe Together initiative is a journey across Europe to bring together progressive thinkers and to exchange ideas and shape our common future. We have been also in close contact with progressive forces around the world, through the Global Progressive Forum, which brings together progressive politicians and decision-makers, as well as civil society and trade union leaders from all corners of the world.

Another important and fruitful initiative is the School of Democracy, where we invite young people from Europe and abroad to discuss their concerns and expectations with high-level politicians and academics. Over the last four years, we have established a community of 400 young people still active on social media, spreading progressive ideas and values with a remarkable multiplying effect.

Through the Progressive Economy and the Progressive Society initiatives, we have developed a long-term reflection process on the future of our continent, an alternative and fairer economy at the service of citizens, and a socially and environmentally sustainable development model for Europe.

Finally, we initiated and promoted the selection process of our Spitzenkandidat in a fair and democratic way. This means that the people we directly elect to represent us will have a bigger say in who becomes the next President of the European Commission and that this person is not chosen behind closed doors.