S&Ds: EPP and right-wing forces silenced the voice of the EU Parliament over Israel's breach of international law and human rights in Khan al-Ahmar

Following today's decision by the EPP and right-wing forces to vote down the S&D request to reiterate Parliament's approved position over Israel’s announced breach of international law and human rights in Khan al-Ahmar, Socialists and Democrats MEP Eider Gardiazabal Rubial stated:


“The EPP and right-wing forces in the European Parliament are complicit with this outrageous breach of international humanitarian law and human rights taking place in the occupied West Bank. The Israeli army is about to demolish the Palestinian Bedouin village Khan al-Ahmar, and right-wing forces have silenced the voice of our Parliament on this matter in these terrific hours. Shame on you.


“As always, we won’t remain silent, we never will. Our call and fight for peace, democracy, respect for human rights and the two-state solution continues. We keep on saying it clear and loud: Mr Netanyahu, don't cross this line, don't demolish Khan al-Ahmar!”




Note to editors: On 13 September, the European Parliament adopted a resolution which called “for the Israeli government to shelve the relocation plan that would lead to the demolition of Khan al-Ahmar and the forcible transfer of its population to another location”. The Israeli government has also been warned, including by United Nations representatives, that the demolition of Khan al-Ahmar and the forcible eviction of its residents would be a grave breach of international humanitarian law (under the Fourth Geneva Convention). The Israeli government seems to ignore these calls and warned residents of Khan al-Ahmar a week ago (Sunday 23 September) to destroy by the 1st October, today, their homes and school themselves; otherwise the demolition orders will be implemented by the Israeli army.

Please note that the Israeli High Court has cleared the demolition orders but did not oblige the government in any way to implement them, which decision remains at the discretion of the government of PM Netanyahu.