X Latin American Forum: The case of Peru

X Latin American Forum. S&D Proposal for the Enforceability of Trade and Sustainable Development Clauses (TSD) in Trade Agreements: The case of Peru.

Please register here by Tuesday 5 July 2018 at 20h00.

Interpretation: ES - EN - PT + DE - IT (passive)

For more information, please email: s-d.LatinAmericaFor@ep.europa.eu

Meeting Point for accreditation on 11 July: Esplanade Simone Veil - Accreditation Centre-  between 14.30-15.30.

15:00 - 15:20 Opening Remarks

Mrs. Elena VALENCIANO:S&D Vice-President Responsible for International Trade Committee
Mr. Carlos ZORRINHO: Co-Chair Latin American Forum
Ms. Ewa SYNOWIEC: Director for Trade and Sustainable Development Issues, Principal Advisor, DG Trade

15.20 - 17.45 Enforceability of TSD Clauses in Trade Agreements: the Case of Peru

Moderator: Mr. Ramón JAÚREGUI Co-Chair EUROLAT Assembly and Co-Chair Latin American Forum

Opening Speech: S&D proposal for enforceability of TSD Chapters

Mr. Bernd LANGE: Chair of INTA Committee, Presentation of Model Labour Chapter for EU trade agreements
Mrs. Inmaculada RODRÍGUEZ -PIÑERO: S&D Rapporteur for Andean Community
Mr. Gonzalo GUTIERREZ: Ambassador of Peru to the EU

Roundtable with Civil Society: Platform Europe Peru

Mrs. Vanessa CUETO: DAR Peru on Environmental claim (via SKYPE)
Mr. Javier MUJICA PETIT: Equidad Peru on Labour rights claim (via SKYPE)
Mrs. Géraldine DUQUENNE: Commission Justice et Paix

Questions and Answers/Reactions to the panel.

17:45 - 18:00 Closing remarks

Mr. Francisco ASSIS: S&D Coordinator for Eurolat Assembly