S&Ds call on the Turkish government for free and fair general elections - Escalation of violence is not a solution

The S&D Group condemns in the strongest possible terms the blasts at a rally for peace today in Ankara which killed at least 30 people and injured more than one hundred.

S&D MEP and coordinator for foreign affairs Richard Howitt said:

“Our hearts and thoughts are with those who were killed or injured and with their families and friends.

“This heinous act bears all the signs of a terrorist attack; of the same sort as carried out against the socialist youth in Suruc and the bombing against the Peace and Democracy Party´s pre-electoral rally in June in Diyarbakir.

“This escalation of violence against peaceful demonstrators is a direct result of a break-down in the peace process between the Turkish government and the Kurdish Workers´ Party (PKK). We demand an immediate and thorough investigation into this terrorist act and accountability for all those who perpetrated it, or who in any way through actions or negligence facilitated it.

“We call on all parties, but especially on the Turkish government, to take immediate steps to de-escalate the situation and create suitable conditions for free and fair parliamentary elections which are scheduled for 1 November.”