Our European Green Deal

The climate emergency is the biggest crisis humanity has faced and our response to it will decide our future.

We helped get the Green Deal for Europe, to make our planet the key priority and set out plans for how to get to net zero emissions by 2050 while leaving no one behind. There is a lot of work to be done to meet these ambitious targets - we have no time to waste!

there is no planet b

The European Parliament declared a climate emergency on 28th November 2019 and we have been working tirelessly to make sure Europe leads the world in tackling the crisis.

Our European Green Deal has put Europe on the path to long-term, sustainable growth and prosperity. We have been fighting for a green transition but with a red heart. Therefore, we made sure that the EU’s strategy on climate change is accompanied by the Social Climate Fund – solid social justice and solidarity mechanisms that offset the costs for the most vulnerable in society, to ensure that this transition to a sustainable, green Europe is also socially fair. The transition must be just or there will be no transition at all.

In July 2021 we finally got the European Climate Law, writing into law the goals of the European Green Deal for Europe’s economy and society to become climate-neutral by 2050. The law also sets the stepping-stone target of slashing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. And to get us there, we have the Fit for 55 package, a comprehensive set of tools to get to this 55% target.

The S&Ds are fighting for:

  • Ambitious measures for reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 at the latest, with an intermediate target of at least 55% for 2030
  • Ensure the EU Common Agricultural Policy and the Common Fisheries Policy become important climate and sustainability tools, fully compatible with the renewed climate and environment ambitions
  • Introduce a zero-pollution strategy of air and water quality
  • Adopt a European Climate Pact brings together citizens, regions, local communities, civil society, trade unions and industry as actors of the movement towards climate neutrality, based on genuine dialogue and participatory processes
  • Commit to Just Transition with robust financial means to ensure that ecological and social progress go hand in hand, with the involvement of all communities and workers
  • Commit to the adequate financing of the European Green Deal with significant levels of additional public and private investment and with new resources
  • Propose partnerships with third countries and neighbouring continents with whom the EU can work on major projects that can help make progress towards carbon neutrality
  • Adopt implementation measures for the European Pillar of Social Rights in order to create a Europe with social cohesion, where we compete with knowledge, innovation, like green technology and not with low wages and precarious working conditions. This must include measures addressing energy poverty and an ambitious EU housing policy supporting citizens