People around the world still face violent discrimination because of whom they love (Watch the video)

arm in air with LGBTI colours

Europe must show courage and become a global leader in protecting LGBTI rights around the world.

The EU must both provide asylum for those facing discrimination on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation and ensure the situation of LGBTI people is taken into account when dealing with third countries.

Despite important steps forward in promoting marriage equality and tackling discrimination over the past few years, this is not equal in all EU countries. We urge all member states to recognise civil partnerships and same-sex marriages, so that citizens have their rights and status protected when they move to another EU country. This is a clear-bar to free movement of EU citizens and the EU has this duty to tackle.

While we have seen progress in some areas, many transgender people are still treated as second-class citizens within EU countries. In some countries, medical intervention or forced sterilisation are still requirements for legal gender recognition. This is a clear breach of these citizens’ fundamental rights and something that the EU urgently needs to act on.

We need to work together as political parties, unions and civil society to change the status quo and create the progressive world we believe in.

Our Group will continue to be at the forefront of the fight for LGBTI rights and we will speak out whenever we see these under threat.