Conference on the Future of Europe - Your Views, Your Voice, Our Europe

conference on the future of europe 3 girls EU flag

We stand for an inclusive European society based on principles of solidarity,  equality,  diversity, freedom and  fairness.  We  campaign for  social  justice, jobs  and  growth,  consumer rights,  sustainable development, financial market  reforms  and  human rights,  to  create a stronger and  more  democratic Europe, and a better future for all citizens.

About the Conference  on the Future of Europe

The EU has launched its biggest ever citizens consultation. The Conference will host inclusive debates on a wide- ranging issues to inform Europe’s future decisions. The S&D Group in the European Parliament also wants to reach out to every corner of Europe to listen to what people want from the EU. The #Progressives4Europe platform has been set up at the initiative of the S&D Group to bring our voices together for a stronger Europe. S&D MEPs will make  sure that your voice is heard.

What is your priority for the Future  of Europe?

We believe in creating a fairer, more sustainable and more inclusive Europe, but we need your help. Sign up to our multilingual platform that brings together European progressives to  discuss the  challenges ahead, share ideas and reshape Europe for the better.


MEPs involved