"Srebrenica is a horror we must never forget" say S&D MEPs

The S&D Group today commemorated the victims of the Srebrenica genocide and met with representatives of the Mothers' action of the Srebrenica Žepa Enclave, which represents relatives of those murdered.

Gianni Pittella, president of the S&D Group said:

"Srebrenica represents an indelible stain on the history of the European institutions. We have a moral obligation to ensure truth and justice for the victims - we cannot accept that the people responsible for the massacre are still at liberty. In Bosnia we cannot accept half-truths. Without justice there is no reconciliation. Europe has a moral duty to accompany Bosnia beyond the Dayton Agreement, offering the country a clear prospect of integration: only through justice and European integration can Bosnia finally move forward."

Tanja Fajon, vice-president of the S&D Group said:

"20 years ago the Bosnian population in Srebrenica was subjected to the worst crimes committed in Europe since World War Two. Today we remember the victims and recognise our own failures, as the European community, to prevent these atrocities occurring. The founding principle of our Union was to prevent a return to the barbarism of war in Europe and in Srebrenica we failed that principle and failed the people of Bosnia."

"We are honoured to be joined today by representatives of the Mothers' action of the Srebrenica Žepa Enclave who have worked tirelessly to honour the memory of those killed and to bring their killers to justice. We must support them fully in both aspects of their work."

Afzal Khan, S&D spokesperson on Bosnia-Herzegovina said:

"This week we remember the Srebrenica genocide and honour the victims and their families. We must use the opportunity to not only solemnly reflect but also to push for a better future for all the people of Bosnia. We must do our utmost to ensure that the lessons of the past are learnt and renew our determination never to let forces of prejudice, hatred and evil go unchecked. The EU, as the greatest peace and reconciliation project in modern history, can serve as an example of what can be achieved."

"Continuing on the European path is therefore the best way to reconcile with the tragedies of the past. While its neighbours have progressed quickly on their road to European integration, Bosnia has been held back by aspects of the Dayton Agreement. This agreement may have bought peace but it now hinders Bosnia's ability to move forward in any meaningful way. We have a moral duty to help Bosnia, so it reforms and moves closer to the European family of Nations and eventual EU membership."   
Note for editors

Amina Mujkanović and Almedina Pasić, relatives of those killed in Srebrenica, will meet with all Members of the S&D Group in a dedicated meeting this evening and the European Parliament will debate and vote on a resolution concerning Srebrenica at its plenary session in Strasburg tomorrow.