S&Ds support closer EU-China cooperation

The political situation, global economic governance, climate change, trade and investment and the establishment of a high level permanent bilateral forum between the Chinese Government and the S&D Group were the main issues discussed at a high level meeting today between S&D group leadership and the Chinese Vice-Minister of the CPC International department, Li Jinjun.
President of the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament Gianni Pittella said:
"The EU and China need each other today in a holistic way. We have to face global challenges together whether it is terrorism, nuclear proliferation, global economic governance, pandemics or climate change. We acknowledge that the European Union and China have different political histories, cultures and traditions but these differences should not be an obstacle to continuing efforts towards the development of EU-China pragmatic cooperation in all these fields."
S&D Vice-President Victor Boştinaru and Jo Leinen, President of the EP delegation for relations with China, accompanied President Pittella at the meeting, where it was agreed to re-launch the EU-China High Level Political Forum, as a very useful instrument of cooperation between the political groups in the European Parliament and China.
Vice-president of the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament Victor Boştinaru stressed:
"Bearing in mind the strong trade relations between the EU and China but the low level of reciprocal investment, it is extremely important to negotiate an ambitious EU-China bilateral investment agreement that can create a better environment for EU investors in China and vice versa."
Jo Leinen, S&D MEP and president of the European Parliament delegation for relations with China said:
"There is an obvious need for closer cooperation and we are ready to face the challenges together particularly in relation climate issues."
The S&D Group leadership accepted an invitation to visit China next spring to discuss a comprehensive agenda for these strategic relations and to adopt a pro-active approach to relations with China and its people.