S&Ds propose an EU-wide action plan against COVID-19 ahead of the European Council

Coronavirus COVID19 S&D action plan

Today, the Group of the Socialists and Democrats have adopted a comprehensive EU Action Plan with 25 urgent and mid-term measures to fight the COVID-19 crisis, including its social and economic impact.

The leader of the S&D Group in the European Parliament Iratxe García today sent a letter with the S&D’s demands to the Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, to the European Council President Charles Michel, and to the EU heads of state and government ahead of their virtual meeting tomorrow.

Iratxe García said:

“We need urgent, strong and coordinated action at a European level. First and foremost, we need to protect people’s lives and their health. This is why we call for an immediate EU-wide investment on research and efficient sharing of data for an effective treatment and a potential vaccine against COVID-19, which must be accessible for all. We also need to ensure an EU-wide stockpiling of essential medical equipment, material and supplies.

“We will keep on insisting on the need of corona-bonds and to activate the European Stability Mechanism, but also on heavy investment in medical equipment and research for a vaccine.

“The EU Marshall plan should start already today in supporting those in most urgent need. We demand the urgent implementation of an Unemployment Reinsurance Scheme. This measure should be combined with a temporary European minimum income scheme for those who are losing their job or are self-employed.

“We need to ensure reliable food supplies during and beyond the immediate health crisis, safeguarding their continued production and barrier-free transport across the Single Market. This is why we call for better coordination and information sharing between member states regarding border closures and restrictions, including green lanes.

“The duration of the confinement is unclear, which brings the need to urgently act to bridge the digital divide, in particular to support online learning and schooling in remote areas, as well as fiscal facilities for individuals and families to buy computers or tablets.”

Note to the editors:

Here you can read the comprehensive S&Ds Action Plan with urgent, mid-term and long-term measures: Fighting the pandemic, tackling its aftermath and preparing for a better future

Here your can read a summary of the S&Ds Action Plan to fight covid-19 pandemic: Our 25 proposals to overcome the crisis

25 proposals to overcome the crisis
25 mesures pour surmonter la crise
25 vorschläge zur bewältigung der krise
La proposta s&d per superare la crisi in 25 punti
25 propuestas para superar la crisis

MEPs involved