S&Ds in Kenya and Tanzania underline the need for transparent and inclusive democratic process

S&D MEPs welcome the outcome of an EU conference in Kenya on the promotion of women and youth in democratic leadership and a forum in Dodoma, Tanzania for young parliamentarians and political leaders both of which took place in the framework of the European Parliament democracy support and conflict prevention programme.


S&D MEP  Soraya Post said:


"We have lived an historical moment as the first gender strategy was launched during the conference; We need to get the women not only to stand for elections but also to insist on the importance for women to be voters as we want voters to build a real participative democracy. Media is also disproportionally critical of women candidates and politicians, in particular focusing more on personal characteristics and appearance compared to men; we strongly encourage the media to give more space  to future candidates as well as to women politicians and to display a positive image of their work."


S&D MEP Julie Ward said :


"Young people are the future and women are the backbone of modern society so for Kenya to succeed there must be meaningful action to develop inclusive participation with all barriers addressed. Democratic processes must be transparent so that people do not lose hope. This is not simply a message for Kenyans preparing for summer elections but a global message".


S&D MEP David Martin said:


"Kenya faces an election that is likely to be highly charged. The European Parliament's support is designed to help the Parties resolve the inevitable dispute in a peaceful and constructive manner".

In Tanzania, the challenge is to help the democratically elected Parliament assert itself vis a vis the Executive".

In Kenya, members  met with Mr Wafula Chebukati, chair of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEBC), members of the civil society, religious leaders, leaders from the National Super Alliance (NASA), members of the Jubilee Party and with Hon.Ekwee Ethuro, Speaker of the Senate.  In Tanzania MEP's met with  Hon. Job Y. Ndugai, Speaker  of the House, Hon. Mwigulu Nchemba, Minister for Home affairs, party leaders and with civil society organisations working to promote women and youth in the Tanzanian political system.

In Kenya, David Martin (leading EP Tanzania democracy support projects),  Soraya  Post (S&D DROI coordinator) and Julie Ward (FEMM committee)  met with Mr Wafula Chebukati, chair of the Independent Electoral Commission (IEBC), members of the civil society, religious leaders, leaders from the National Super Alliance (NASA), members of the Jubilee Party and with Hon. Ekwee Ethuro, Speaker of the Senate.  In Tanzania MEP's met with  Hon. Job Y. Ndugai, Speaker  of the House, Hon. Mwigulu Nchemba, Minister for Home Affairs, party leaders and with civil society organisations working to promote women and youth in the Tanzanian political system.

In both EU delegations, Kenya and Tanzania, S&D MEPs attended Europe Day events and could share their experience on how to leverage cultural barriers  in a multicultural Parliament.