S&Ds call for zero tolerance on exploitation of workers

Today, S&D MEPs called on the EU to adopt a zero tolerance policy towards labour exploitation. An alarming report that the Agency of Fundamental Rights (FRA) published today reveals that severe exploitation of workers occurred in a number of sectors including agriculture, construction, hotel and catering, domestic work and manufacturing. 

S&D Group spokesperson on employment and social affairs, Jutta Steinruck, stated:
"I am quite shocked by the findings of the FRA's latest report. Exploitation of workers has no place in Europe. The Socialists and Democrats support the call of the European Union's Agency for Fundamental Rights for a zero tolerance policy towards labour exploitation.
"We desperately need sanctions that help spot the black sheep among the companies.
"The consumers must be able to identify which companies treat their workers in a criminal way and which adhere to fair labour standards.
"So far there is no risk for these companies – they can exploit their workers unobserved. The victims do not know their rights and are afraid of losing their jobs. That is why we need mandatory Europe-wide connected workplace controls that put an end to exploitation. The platform against undeclared work that we are currently negotiating to set up will be a good instrument in this respect."