S&D MEPs in favour of strengthening EU-Mauritania relations

The European Parliament’s delegation for relations with the Magreb countries paid an official visit to Nouakchott and Nouadhibou in Mauritania from 20 to 23 February 2017, led by Spanish S&D MEP Inés Ayala Sender and Belgian MEP Hugues Bayet. The visit took place on the occasion of the 10th inter-parliamentary meeting between the EU and Mauritania. Following their meeting with the president and the prime minister of the republic, the Socialist and Democrat MEPs called for stronger relations between the European Union and Mauritania.

During the visit, Inés Ayala Sender underlined the importance of a strong relationship between the European Parliament and the Mauritanian Assembly. She welcomed the agreement reached with Mauritania on the establishment of a parliamentary contact group to prepare for the 11th EU-Mauritanian inter-parliamentary meeting, which will take place in Brussels in 2018. The group will aim to become the central mechanism for co-operation between the European Parliament and the Mauritanian Assembly.

Following the mission, S&D MEP Inés Ayala Sender said:

“During this visit we have discussed issues of common interest in a frank way, including in the most sensitive areas: the battle against poverty, the eradication of all discrimination and of slavery, the protection of women and children from all types of violence, generalised access to civil status, the management of migratory flows, and the prevention of extremism and Islamic and ethnic radicalisation.

“In this context, it is crucial that we reinforce our partnerships and that we invest in conflict-prevention programmes, in inter-cultural dialogue, in education, in the creation of employment and the inclusion of young people, without forgetting co-operation for regional stability and security.

“The Mauritanian government has made numerous efforts to modernise the country and in this context we have underlined our commitment to the respect for human rights and in particular to the rights of association and peaceful demonstration, and to freedom of expression. In this context, human-rights defenders continue to play a key role in the promotion of democracy and the respect of law in our societies.”

S&D MEP Hugues Bayet added:
“This mission has allowed us to exchange in-depth views on the international, national and regional political situation, and on relations between Mauritania and the EU as regards their development.

“Throughout our mission we encouraged the authorities and all of the political players involved – from the government and opposition, as well as civil society organisations – to commit to an inclusive national dialogue with a constructive approach.

“Fisheries are a crucial resource for Mauritania and Europe: 53% of frozen Mauritanian fish products (worth €135 million) come to European markets. In order to promote responsible fishing, sustainable management of marine resources and improvements in the living conditions of local fishing communities, the partnership agreement must be fully applied to benefit both parties. To further deepen the partnership, the support of the EU in terms of investment, training and support on the ground is essential, as well as more transparency between the two partners.

“During the visit, the European Parliament’s delegation to the Maghreb met with the Mauritanian authorities, the parliamentary opposition and civil society representatives. We were also received by the president of the republic, the prime minister and other members of the government. We had in-depth meetings with the president of the national assembly and his colleagues in the assembly, both from the governing side and the opposition.

“In the course of these meeting with representatives from the political parties, Mauritanian civil society and the commissioner for human rights and humanitarian action, the delegation was able to discuss the issues and challenges facing Mauritanian society. In Nouadhibou, the delegation met with representatives of the Wali community and the administrative authorities of the region, the town, the port and the free zone.”

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