Launch of the S&D European Year for Development Campaign: "Solidarity & Development"

The S&D Group has launched its "Solidarity & Development" campaign, in the context of the European Year for Development.

2015 was designated the European Year for Development to inform EU citizens about EU development cooperation, highlighting what the European Union is already doing as the biggest aid donor in the world, and how it can do even more with the combined strength of its member states and its institutions.
Gianni Pittella, president of the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament, said:
"The S&D Group, as well as the vast majority of EU citizens, are very proud of the role of the EU in the global development framework, and the privileged partnership we have with the countries in Africa and other countries around the world. Development aid is a long-term and sustainable solution to many global problems such as poverty, climate change, conflict resolution and terrorism. We want to be at the forefront of finding solutions to these problems."
Linda McAvan, chair of the committee on development of the European Parliament, said:
"EU development aid works; it has changed the lives of millions of people for the better. It can be improved, of course. We will continue to make sure that development aid is more effective, better coordinated and maximises the impact on the lives of the people living in the communities that receive it. We must always consider what happens to these people as if it were happening to us."

Norbert Neuser, S&D spokesperson on international development, stated:
"This year major decisions will be taken that will set the course for development cooperation in the coming years. We have to find international solutions about how to finance development and negotiate a new framework of development goals. The current situation, where thousands of refugees are leaving their countries and risking their lives to escape their desperate situation, urges us to focus more on development in a way that benefits vulnerable populations."

Arne Lietz, S&D coordinator of the EYD2015 activities, added:

"Every EU citizen can be an Ambassador of the European Year for Development. We, in the S&D, will take part in many activities in every single EU member states to discuss what EU development aid is, why it matters and what more can be done to improve it. Join us!"