GPF Delegation at the World Social Forum - Tunis, 24-28 March 2015

The Global Progressive Forum, in co-operation with Solidar and the Party of European Socialists (PES), is currently playing an active role at the World Social Forum in Tunis (24-28 March).

The forum focuses on topics such as economic and social rights, the fight against poverty and inequality, women’s rights and gender equality, and financial regulation, debt and taxation. The event includes participants from more than 5000 organisations from 121 countries.
The presence of four MEPs from the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament (Norbert Neuser, Pier Antonio Panzeri, Richard Howitt and Marie Arena) shows the solidarity and support the S&D Group continues to offer Tunisia and its people — an inspiring example of democracy in the Arab world --- particularly in light of the recent dramatic terrorist attack on the Bardo Museum.

Norbert Neuser MEP, S&D co-ordinator on Africa said:

“We are here today to support the Tunisians’ path to democracy and to support civil society in Tunisia.”

Pier Antonio Panzeri MEP, S&D member of the European Parliament’s foreign affairs committee and the delegation for relations with Maghreb countries, added:

“We met with civil society representatives and, as Socialists and Democrats, we support their demands, which should be turned into legislation, due to our deep conviction that the democratic transition in Tunisia will be more assured as stronger will be the civil society.”

Richard Howitt MEP, S&D Group's foreign affairs co-ordinator said:

“The progress being made in Tunisia is a clear demonstration that the Arab awakening may have stalled in some places but is still able to flourish. The S&D Group is continuing its work with social-democratic partners and grassroots democracy activists throughout the region to keep this hope alive.”