In seguito allo scandalo delle emissioni Volkswagen, scoppiato nel 2015, gli eurodeputati hanno saputo che le autorità dell’Ue non hanno agito di fronte a relazioni che...
Dans la foulée du scandale des émissions VW, qui a éclaté en 2015, les eurodéputés ont appris que les autorités de l’UE n’ont pas réagi à des rapports indiquant que l...
Después del escándalo de las emisiones de Volkswagen, que estalló en el 2015, los eurodiputados y las eurodiputadas han sabido que la Unión Europea no tomó medidas en...
Emissions scandal: S&D MEP reveals authorities knew existence of cheat devices as far back as 1998 Following the VW emissions scandal that broke in 2015, MEPs have been...
Nach dem VW-Abgasskandal vom vergangenen Jahr haben die Europaabgeordneten heute zu hören bekommen, dass die EU-Behörden nicht auf Berichte reagiert haben, wonach die US...
Following the VW emissions scandal that broke in 2015, MEPs have been told EU authorities did not act on reports US authorities were fining vehicle manufacturers for...
Following the VW emissions scandal that broke in 2015, MEPs have been told EU authorities did not act on reports US authorities were fining vehicle manufacturers for...
Following the VW emissions scandal that broke in 2015, MEPs have been told EU authorities did not act on reports US authorities were fining vehicle manufacturers for...
STRASBURGO - 13 APR: "Ho molto apprezzato lo spirito con cui la delegazione del parlamento egiziano ha deciso di discutere con noi. E' importante avere, come...
STRASBURGO - 13 APR: "Ho molto apprezzato lo spirito con cui la delegazione del parlamento egiziano ha deciso di discutere con noi. E' importante avere, come...