Weekly Update - 13/05/2016

Quote of the week

Trafficking in human beings is a gender issue. The most robust data we have available suggests that at least 80% of victims of trafficking are women. Of these, the vast majority are trafficked for sexual exploitation and prostitution.  Our prevention approach should be based on demand reduction.

The fight against trafficking in human beings requires close cooperation between member states. Only by working together can we develop Europe-wide data to understand flows and trends in trafficking and pool resources to identify and prosecute these cross-border criminal networks.

Mary Honeyball


Past events

The last Strasbourg plenary has brought to the table a series of important topics for our Group. Issues like the posting of workers, parental leave, country by country tax reporting, strengthening Europol and leading the fight against granting China a Market Economy Status have been just a few of the topics we have covered over the past few days.

Our Group President, Gianni Pittella, alongside MEP Knut Fleckenstein have also been in Hamburg this Friday to discuss about the future of the EU and the questions that arise from current developments inside the Union. This has been a great opportunity to hear the citizens' views on the way the EU deals with the refugee crisis, the situation in Greece, tax evasion and the upcoming UK referendum.

Check our website for all the details on our activity during this plenary session.



This Saturday we will be in Rome to talk about one of our most important initiatives during these troubled times - EDUCA. We will be meeting EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid, Christos Stylianides and representative NGOs to discuss about the future of nearly 34 million children who currently live in conflict areas, and have no access to much needed education.

Our fight to double the amounts allocated to the education of children in conflict areas have paid off. It is time we engaged everyone in our fight. We call on international donors to follow our lead.

We are also getting ready for the Progressive Economy Forum. It is scheduled to take place in the European Parliament (room JAN 4Q2) on May 31, and this year's theme is Investment and Innovation at the Heart of European Recovery.

Registrations are open until Thursday, May 26, and you can find the full programme here.

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