S&Ds - Weekly Update. This week's highlights and what's coming up

Quote of the week by S&D president Udo Bullmann on the Women on Boards Directive:

Everybody talks about making gender equality a reality. Now it is time to put your cards on the table if you really want a Europe that benefits from the abilities of both men and women.

This message goes particularly to my home country Germany, where our coalition CDU/CSU partner is still against. Please do not repeat the false arguments that we do not have enough qualified women in Germany and Europe, because we have!
Udo Bullmann on the Women on Boards Directive

Upcoming activities
We’re getting ready for another busy week in Brussels. We are buckling up for the February Plenary session and will monitor important votes in parliamentary committees, debates and events. 
On Monday we will monitor the vote on the EU’s capacity in conflict mediation, one of our own initiative reports, where we’re pushing to make the European Union an even more relevant player at a global level. We will also follow the vote on EU pre-accession funds for new EU candidate countries, in the context of the new Multiannual Financial Framework. 
Our Group will discuss the agenda of the next Plenary session, which includes the debate on the Future of Europe with the Prime Minister of Italy, Giuseppe Conte, the revision of the future of the EU cohesion policy and measures to enhance competitiveness of enterprises on the single market. 

Our Progressive Society team is preparing an interesting debate next Thursday. European cohesion policy: A key tool to make sustainable development become reality throughout EU’s regions is the theme of the conference, which will feature experts as well as policy makers. 


Do you believe that there’s no link between gender and trade? Let us prove the opposite.Trade Policies naturally affect the economy, magnifying or reducing gender inequality. Join us at the S&D Seminar on Gender and Trade, on Wednesday 6 February, 15.00-17.30 in room ASPA3G3.


The Go Local team is planning its first #EuropeTogether Go Local tour of the year. The first stop is Estonia, on February 6 - 7, with two events in Tallinn and Valga. Follow us for the latest on Twitter!


And save the date! On February 28 we’re bringing our #EuropeTogether debate to Ljubljana, Slovenia! Check out the full programme and guest speakers here!


For updates and details, follow us on Twitter!

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