S&Ds: A peaceful solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict could help fight against Daesh

S&D MEPs Joseph Weidenholzer and Kati Piri actively participated in the human rights committee delegation in a mission to Israel which took place between 20 and 24 July 2015.

The delegation visited Israel and Palestine and had a series of meetings with members of the Knesset and of the Palestinian Legislative Council, government officials, representatives of UN agencies, Israeli and Palestinian human rights and other civil society organisations and representatives of religious minorities.

The delegation also visited Bedouin villages in Israel and in the West Bank, including the Abu Nuwar and Susiya villages.

Following the meetings, S&D MEP Joseph Weidenholzer, who led the delegation, said:

"If we want to effectively fight against terrorist movements like ISIS, we need to find a political and peaceful solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as soon as possible, which should be the two-state solution within the 1967 borders"

S&D MEP Kati Piri added:

"It is both Europe's responsibility and in its own interest to help mediate in this conflict that has gone on for too long."
This mission was an occasion for the S&D MEPs to reiterate the importance of the contribution that humanitarian and other international organisations make to help those in need. S&Ds welcome the European Union's strong support to UNRWA and other UN agencies to carry out their mission in Palestine.