S&Ds: The decision of PM Netanyahu to cancel meeting with Gabriel is insulting and deplorable

The S&Ds deplore the decision of the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, to call off a meeting with the Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel, in Jerusalem. The meeting was cancelled at the last minute due to Mr. Gabriel’s plan to visit two Israeli Human Rights NGOs, Breaking the Silence and B'Tselem, which are critical of settlement policies.


S&D vice-president Victor Boştinaru said:

"We deplore the decision of the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to cancel his meeting with the German Foreign Minister after the latter refused his demand that he not meet two Israeli Human Rights NGOs.

"Germany and the European Union are important partners of Israel and I strongly believe that these relations have been mutually beneficial to both sides in spite of existing challenges. Therefore such actions can only be harmful for our future relations and against Israel’s own interest.

"As I always choose to believe that Israel is a strong democracy, I can only be disappointed by such a blunt disregard towards freedom of expression and civil society."


S&D vice-president Elena Valenciano MEP said:

“This overreaction from Prime Minister Netanyahu is indeed a distraction from the main problems in the Middle East which the Israeli government has not addressed.

"Instead of searching for a way to find peace with Palestine, the Israeli government insults the German Foreign Minister, a friend of democracy.

"As S&Ds we will not accept this behaviour, which is not justified at all, and therefore ask for an apology from the Israeli Prime Minister to the German people and their Foreign Minister."