S&D Group launches EDUCA to increase access to education for children

S&D Group president Gianni Pittella together with Linda McAvan, chair of the EP development committee and Silvia Costa, chair of the culture committee, will officially launch the new S&D initiative called "EDUCA".

This initiative aims to increase access to education for children, through an increase in the percentage of the EU's humanitarian aid spending from 2-4% by 2018. Read more on this initiative here: EDUCA initiative.
Gianni Pittella will also set out his priorities for the plenary session and answer questions from journalists on other current topics.
The Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament will stream the press conference live tomorrow at 10:10-10:30 CET (room LOW N -1/201). 
Watch live at www.socialistsanddemocrats.eu.
For updates on all the hot topics throughout the session, follow us on Twitter @TheProgressives.

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