Pittella: There is no way back. The great majority of the Council is in favour of the EU Commission migration package

"We have crossed the Rubicon. There is no way back. Yesterday in the Council, an overwhelming majority expressed itself in favour of the EU Commission's proposals on migration. Despite the incomprehensible and outspoken positions of some Eastern European countries, we are confident that the emergency mechanism will be fully adopted at the next Justice and Home affairs Council foreseen for the 8th of October."
"We consider this result - made possible by the great commitment of the European Commission, especially president Juncker, vice President Timmermans, High Representative Mogherini and Commissioner Avramopulous - as a first step along a path that must lead to the revision of Dublin and to the creation of a true European asylum and migration policy."
"We repeat it once again: Europe is not a club of interest but a family where solidarity - when needed - must be compulsory. We cannot accept divisions between Western and Eastern Europe."
"A united Europe must be the frontrunner in tackling the real roots of this crisis, calling for the international community to take action to promote peace and long term resolution of the conflicts in Syria and Libya."

Note to editors

Yesterday, Gianni Pittella led an S&D Group delegation to the Hungary-Serbia border. He was joined by Elena Valenciano, Chair of the Parliament Subcommittee for Human Rights, Greek MEP Miltiadis Kyros, and Hungarian Members István Ujhelyi and Péter Niedermüller. During the visit the delegation met with refugees, volunteers and NGOs working in refugee camps and viewed the newly constructed border fence between Serbia and Hungary.

Broadcast footage from the visit can be found here.