Pittella: S&D Group rejects any option of Grexit. There is no Europe without Greece

Following the debate in Plenary in Strasbourg on the Greek crisis, with the presence of Greek Prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, the leader of the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament, Gianni Pittella stated:
"There is no Europe without Greece. We reject and we will oppose any option that foresees a Grexit. Europe needs responsibility and solidarity, not austerity extremists or political speculators.
"President Juncker is working seriously for a sustainable solution which includes a bridging loan to gain more time for a comprehensive and long-term solution and for a serious reform programme to be put in place by the Greek authorities for the good of Greek people.
"I am confident that Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, will demonstrate his political vision and responsibility for the sake of Greek people.
"This is not the time for divisions. The fires of hope burn again.
"As Socialists and Democrats, as Europeans, will keep on doing whatever is required to save Greece, to save Europe."