A good trade deal with Mercosur can provide new opportunities for all, say S&Ds

Today, the long-stalled trade talks between the European Union and the Mercosur countries (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay*) were revived with the two blocks exchanging offers to open up certain areas of their respective markets.

Last year, trade in goods and services between the EU and Mercosur reached €93bn, and it is expected that a trade deal would create jobs and increase EU GDP by 1% annually. The Socialists and Democrats welcome this new impetus to resume talks, but recommend caution in the EU's position in sensitive areas of our economy, such as agriculture, as well as promoting full transparency in the upcoming negotiating process.

S&D spokesperson on trade, David Martin, MEP said:

"Mercosur represents a market of 260 million people. These negotiations can be an enormous chance for the EU - existing protectionist measures mean that large swathes of the markets for goods, services and public procurement are currently off-limits to European companies.

"However we also need to be mindful of EU defensive interests, notably in the agricultural sector. I welcome the exchange of offers for goods and hope that negotiations for an ambitious agreement can proceed quickly."

S&D spokesperson on the trade deal with Mercosur, Nicola Danti, said:

"We should take advantage of the new political momentum with the Mercosur block, working for an ambitious but well balanced agreement that fully takes into account our sensitive sectors.

Carlos Zorrinho, S&D spokesperson on the EU-Latin America Parliamentary Assembly (Eurolat) said:

"In the de-regulated globalisation we are going through, current trade deals constitute an opportunity to disseminate the humanist nature and the priority of sustainability offered by the European Union. With the opening of negotiations between the EU and Mercosur a window of opportunity opens for a new era of international trade, better for people and for the economy." 

* Venezuela is a member of Mercosur but it will not participate in the negotiations for the time being