Gianni Pittella to Polish citizens: "don't close your doors to refugees"

S&D Group leader Gianni Pittella yesterday evening called on the Polish people to reject the extreme right wing propaganda against refugees who seek peace and a safe place in Europe, during a special Relaunching Europe event in Warsaw. 

Gianni Pittella said:

"The European governments have just adopted a package of measures to tackle the refugee crisis. This is a very good step forward.
"We have the duty to welcome the refugees who flee wars and dictatorships. At the same time, we need to create legal corridors for economic migrants. Europe has always been a multicultural and multi-religious community. The European Union is rich from its diversity. The right wing is trying to build political success on this crisis but they are telling many lies.
"Don't follow this propaganda, don't close the doors to refugees; this could destroy our Europe. We want to change Europe taking into account its core values, peace, solidarity and love."
During the evening, leading members of the S&D including vice president Marju Lauristin and the head of the Socialist Polish delegation Bogusław Liberadzki, discussed with economists and representatives of civil society the many challenges Europe is facing today. They ranged from the advantages and disadvantages of joining the Eurozone, to growth and the European Commission's investment plan, as well as creating decent living conditions for all.

Key speakers in Warsaw include former Estonian prime minister Andrés Tarand and Ernst Stetter, head of the progressive think tank FEPS.