Gianni Pittella: "Democratic and credible election in Nigeria fundamental to defeat Boko Haram"

The S&D Group in the European Parliament recognise the importance of the Nigerian elections and call on all Nigerian political forces to ensure the process is transparent, credible and democratic. The S&D Group believe these elections will set the tone for the other African elections due this year and have sent two MEPs, Kashetu Kyenge and Ana Gomes, to join the election monitoring mission there.
Gianni Pittella, president of the Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament, said:
“The importance of these elections in Nigeria is made particularly acute by the fact that the country faces multiple challenges, including the increasingly entrenched conflict and terrorist threat from Boko Haram in the north east.
“We will continue following the situation and will push for a European Parliament resolution in April to take into account the results of the Nigerian elections.
“Terrorism is a global threat but the global community's efforts to do more against Boko Haram in Nigeria will inevitably depend to some extent on the credibility, accountability and transparency of this election. All citizens must be given the opportunity to vote and any democratic result must be respected by all sides.
“The winner of the election must restore political stability in the country and address the Boko Haram threat.
“Democracy, human rights and the rule of law must prevail.
“Education, women's rights, social justice, a fair distribution of state revenues in society and the fight against corruption must be at the top of the political priorities for whoever wins, but also for all democratic forces.”