Europe must act now against Ebola say S&Ds

The Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament once again urge the European Union and especially the European Commission to co-ordinate and intensify efforts in order to give a coherent European response to the Ebola threat.

Said S&D MP Matthias Groote:

"We have to protect European citizens. We need a better-prepared and more co-ordinated approach, focusing on prevention, which can react rapidly to disease outbreaks such as Ebola. We can never be 100% secure, but in order to protect European citizens, Europe can and must do more to minimise the risks. One step forward would be the introduction of Europe-wide monitoring of all incoming passengers from affected areas, as well as checks on all passengers with lay-overs in Europe. Nevertheless, all of these measures can only succeed if we tackle the problem effectively at its origin – in Africa."

S&D MEP Norbert Neuser added:

"In the long run, only a comprehensive strengthening of health systems will stabilise the situation in a satisfactory way.

"It is not only about the disease however. Ebola also has consequences for food insecurity as trade and food harvesting are severely limited. The western African countries affected could face an economic drop of up to 11% according to the World Bank. We have to look seriously at food supplies if we want to avoid chaos and even more deaths."