Opinion poll in six European countries shows widespread public support for tax on tech giants

While EU finance ministers across Europe are still debating about taxing digital companies, a study in six EU countries shows strong and broad support for a tax on tech giants. More than 80% of citizens polled in France, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Austria agreed to the introduction of a fair tax on tech companies. Moreover, the majority of voters polled were also in favour of a more ambitious tax, compared to the EU finance ministers, on tech giants (like Amazon and Netflix), even if the United States raises objections.

S&D MEP Paul Tang, Parliament’s negotiator on the digital services tax (DST), said:

“The results are crystal clear. People from all political persuasions are united in their wish to finally make the tech giants pay their fair share and to introduce a digital tax immediately. Some countries and their finance ministers must rethink their reluctance. This is a defining moment for Europe and tax justice.”


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The study was prepared by the research institute Kieskompas (Election Compass). It was run in six European countries (France, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Austria) in November 2018. Voters were asked to provide their opinion on the introduction of a European digital tax (DST), as well as their attitudes towards multinationals and tech giants.

You can check the results of the opinion poll here:  www.paultang.nl


Steven Schotte,
Press Officer - PvdA-Eurodelegation,
+31 638747739

André Krouwel
Kieskompas (Election Compass) - Founder and academic advisor
+31 624642200

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