S&D event: Europe at a crossroads - make or break? 15 October 2022

S&D event: Europe at the crossroads - make or break?

S&D event: Europe at a crossroads - make or break?

14h00: Arrival at the boat

14h30: Opening speeches

  • Iratxe García Pérez, S&D president
  • Jens Geier, Head of the S&D SPD delegation

14h50: Keynote speeches

  • Dr. Bärbel Kofler, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
  • Udo Bullmann, S&D coordinator of the committee on development in the European Parliament “Global North and Global South in the current crisis”

15h20-16h20: Workshops - running in parallel

Workshop 1

Roundtable discussion on energy poverty: understanding the economic, security and enlargement perspectives

  • Pedro Marques, S&D vice-president
  • Oliver Röpke, Workers’ Group, European Economic and Social Committee
  • Ana Pirtskhalava, secretary general, YES (Young European Socialists)

 Workshop 2

Rountable discussion on the Sustainable Development Goals: the devastating effect of climate change on our everyday lives.

  • Udo Bullmann, Committee on Development
  • Andreas Schieder, GPF Chair,
  • Conny Reuter, Global Coordinator Progressive Alliance
  • Dr. Bärbel Kofler, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development  

Workshop 3

Roundtable discussion on the social dimension of the recent crisis: making concrete proposals for urgent solutions.

  • Gaby Bischoff, S&D vice-president;
  • Esther Lynch, deputy secretary general, ETUC;
  • Kata Tüttő, Deputy Mayor of Budapest
  • Mikael Leyi, secretary general, Solidar
  • Dr. Bärbel Kofler, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development

16h20-16h35: MEPs reporting back

  • Workshop 1: Pedro Marques, S&D vice-president
  • Workshop 2: Andreas Schieder, GPF Chair,
  • Workshop 3: Gaby Bischoff, S&D vice-president

16h35-16h40: Conclusions:

  • Jens Geier, Head of the S&D SPD delegation

16h40-18h30: Networking reception

MEPs involved
Coordinator, Member
Head of delegation