Covid-19: Overcoming New Challenges to Gender Equality - Sixth Progressive Youth Forum - 4 & 5 March 2021

Covid-19: Overcoming New Challenges to Gender Equality - Sixth Progressive Youth Forum

Sixth Progressive Youth Forum 4 and 5 March 2021

S&D online event in cooperation with PES Women, FEPS, FES, YES and the EWL

4 March 2021 - 09h00 to 16h45

9:00-12:00: EP Inter-Parliamentary Committee Meeting - See the agenda - Watch the meeting

11:30-12:45: Workshop 1 - Collective Engagement for Gender Equality - Building Allies to Overcome Discrimination

14:00-15:15: Workshop 2 - Towards a Fairer, Care-Focused Europe! Programme and registration

15:30-16:45: Workshop 3 - Leaving No One Behind: Eliminating Inequalities and Promoting Access to Services

5 March 2021 - 10h00 to 12h30

Introductory remarks by S&Ds - follow us on live streaming here - Want to participate? Join us live on our Facebook page and send us your questions! 

10:00-10:05: Opening and Welcome by Ms. Iratxe García Pérez, MEP and S&D Group President

Part 1: 10:05-11:00 - Moderated discussion between S&D MEPs with participation of Commissioner Helena Dalli

Part 2: 11:00-12:20 - Moderated discussion based on the results of workshops

The full programme is attached below

Want to participate? Join us live on our Facebook page and send us your questions! 


MEPs involved
Head of delegation
Head of delegation
S&D press contact