Ahead of today's informal gathering of European Union finance ministers, Labour MEPs have called on George Osborne to show leadership and work with his counterparts to...
Przed 13. rundą negocjacji w sprawie umowy o transatlantyckim partnerstwie handlowym i inwestycyjnym (TTIP), odbywającą się w Nowym Jorku w dniach 25-29 kwietnia oraz...
In vista del 13esimo round di negoziati per il Partenariato transatlantico su commercio e investimenti (il TTIP, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) che si...
En prévision du 13 cycle de négociations du Partenariat transatlantique de commerce et d'investissement (PTCI), prévu à New York du 25 au 29 avril, ainsi que de la visite...
Antes de la 13ª ronda de negociaciones del Acuerdo Transatlántico para el Comercio y la Inversión (ATCI) que tendrá lugar en Nueva York del 25 al 29 de abril, y antes de...
Ahead of the 13th round of negotiations for a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) taking place in New York from 25-29 April, and ahead of U.S. President...
Vor der 13. Verhandlungsrunde des Transatlantischen Handels- und Investitionsabkommens (TTIP) zwischen der EU und den USA vom 25. bis 29. April in New York und vor dem...
Quote of the week "Answers to the various challenges the EU faces today can only be European; whether it is economic policy, the migration crisis or the fight against...
Quote of the week "Answers to the various challenges the EU faces today can only be European; whether it is economic policy, the migration crisis or the fight against...
Quote of the week "Answers to the various challenges the EU faces today can only be European; whether it is economic policy, the migration crisis or the fight against...