S&D Group event: Gender-based violence

Banner event gender-based violence

Violence against women does not distinguish between social classes or geographical origin. It occurs in all segments of society, in all countries of the world, and also in Europe, although some try to deny it. One in three women in Europe will suffer some type of violence during their lives, and in the worst case, they will lose their lives.

Now, we have a historic opportunity to give a voice to all women and survivors that gender-based violence is trying to silence. We finally have on the table a proposal for a first ever EU law devoted to combatting violence against women. However, we cannot have a European directive against gender-based violence that does not include rape, because this is one of the most extreme forms of violence against women. Only yes means yes. Sex without consent is rape.

Rape must not be tolerated, and must never go unpunished anywhere in the EU.

Besides, we want gender-based violence to be recognised as an EU crime, so that anyone who abuses on the basis of gender faces full justice. Mrs. Von der Leyen promised us at the beginning of her mandate to come up with a proposal, but what she has presented so far is limited to only hate crimes and is definitely not enough.

Read more here 

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