Gender equality (Watch the video)

gender equality - gap across a river

Of course, you care about equality. Of course, you want to see women have the same opportunities and rights as men. The fact is, this isn’t the case in Europe at the moment.

There is still a gender pay gap. There is still a gender pension gap. Violence against women is still a problem in parts of society.

We are the progressive force at the EU level who are fighting against a very real risk that populists and nationalists would see gender equality go backwards. In different corners of Europe, there have been attempts to turn the clock back on women’s rights.

In the European Parliament, we will not just shine a light on these problems, we will fight to make sure the future is about equality. Equal pay and pension. Equal access to the labour market and career opportunities. And, a life free of fear, sexual harassment and violence.

European institutions must actively cooperate, also with member states, to promote gender equality in the nomination process of their governing bodies.

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