Serious cross-border threats to health

The European Commission proposal comes in response to recent crises such as the bird flu pandemic in 2009, the volcanic ash cloud in 2010 and the E. coli bacteria outbreak in 2011, and aims to strengthen measures for protecting populations by tackling such serious cross-border threats to health more efficiently and effectively. It proposes better preparedness and co-ordination plans, to be drawn up in discussion with the European Commission and member states, and builds on the early warning and response system set up in 1988 for communicable diseases, providing better resources, networks and structures, extending the scope of the risk assessment and co-ordination measures to cover all threats to health (of biological, chemical or environmental origin), and strengthening the role of the Health Security Committee.

It is only through a well-prepared, co-ordinated and efficient approach at EU level that member states can better provide the public with the necessary protection and information when faced with a health crisis.