Section I - European Parliament

The relatively modest number of amendments points to the fact that the S&D Group’s rapporteur, drafted a balanced report which recognises the achievements of the Parliament’s administration but also points to its weaknesses. The report is based on an examination of a number of documents, including the Court of Auditors’ annual report, the annual report of the European Parliament’s internal auditor and the activity reports of individual directorates general.
In the committee on budgetary control, several amendments tabled by the European People’s Party (EPP) were adopted which unfortunately focus more on political infighting before the European Parliamentary elections than on scrutinising the budget appropriately. The S&D Group will seek to amend or delete various texts which: unjustly criticise the European Parliament’s president for withholding an European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) supervisory committee report from committee members; claim that no distinction was made between the roles of the president as leader of an EU institution and as the PES (Party of European Socialists) candidate for the presidency; and call to abolish a director general post for which the appointment procedure has already been finalised.