Mid-term review of the Stockholm Programme

The Stockholm Programme is a multi-annual (2009-2014) strategy which aims to create a Europe of freedom, security and justice. The European Council adopted the Stockholm Programme in 2009 and asked that a mid-term review of its implementation be made during 2012. The most relevant point was the follow up of the Stockholm Programme and the fact that it should no longer be drawn up by Council alone, but, in the spirit of the Lisbon Treaty, in a joint exercise by the Parliament, Council and Commission. Other key points included the evaluation of criminal justice with a justice scoreboard and reference was also made to the ‘Copenhagen criteria’, whereby both candidate countries and existing member states must comply with common values.

The S&D Group collected over 77 signatures, along with the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats (ALDE) and the Greens, for an amendment on the need to regularly assess member states’ compliance with the fundamental values of the EU. The aim of the Group is to remain firm and not to water down important references or achievements of the current legislature.