
In Palestine, there is political stalemate and a desperate humanitarian situation. The Gaza war has caused 2138 Palestinian deaths – 490 of them children – and 70 Israeli deaths in 50 days. Moreover, there are 36 Palestinian members of parliament – elected by citizens – imprisoned in Israeli jails. Many have been judged by military courts and others held without charge or trial. This is unacceptable and the European Parliament must speak out on this very important issue.

We recognise the good work of many civil society organisations and political parties in Israel that are working for peace and reconciliation with Palestine, and we believe in the legitimate right of Israel to live in security. However, this cannot be the only argument to be taken into account in this conflict and it cannot be used as a pretext to commit a humanitarian massacre like the one in Gaza.  This is the worst political and humanitarian situation in Palestine I have seen in the last 20 years. The people of Palestine live under daily threat of death and destruction, and the Palestinian political leaders are exhausted and at the end of their patience.

Thus, the S&D Group and the European Union have a responsibility and a role to play in helping both sides to come back to the peace process.  The only possible way to do it is to support the efforts and strengthen the position of Mahmoud Abbas, the best peace ambassador in the Middle East.