EU and member state measures to tackle the flow of refugees as a result of the conflict in Syria

The crisis in Syria, which started in March 2011, continues to worsen daily and more than two million Syrians have fled and are now registered as refugees. Women and children make up 75% of the refugee population and a large number require medical attention. It is estimated that 760,000 refugees are in Lebanon, 525,000 are living in Jordan, 492,000 are in Turkey, 190,000 are now in Iraq and Egypt is hosting around 126,000 Syrians  The real figures are expected to be higher since many refugees are still awaiting registration. The situation places unprecedented strain on communities, infrastructure and services in host countries.

The European Commission and EU member states are providing funds to support the immediate needs of refugees and host communities, and the situation needs to be discussed in a comprehensive manner that encompasses the short, medium and long term. The debate and the resolution will focus on Europe's responsibility to keep on supporting Syrian refugees in the region neighbouring Syria, as well as proactively reinforcing the EU's protection response. As far as humanitarian assistance is concerned, the S&D Group is in favour of promoting continued funding and other types of assistance to Syria's neighbouring countries.