Conditions of entry and residence of third-country nationals in the framework of an intra-corporate transfer

This report reflects the European Parliament's first-reading position on the directive proposed by the Commission on intra-corporate transferees (ICTs), which aims to establish harmonised conditions for non-EU nationals to enter and live in the EU under an intra-corporate transfer (a transfer within the same enterprise or groups of enterprises). It forms part of a package on legal migration alongside the Directive on Seasonal Workers and the revision of the Directive on Students and Researchers.

The results of the negotiations are satisfactory and the text now includes a unique autonomous mobility scheme to allow transferees to move within the EU once they have been admitted. It also includes positive provisions on family reunification and sanctions, while all references to quotas have been removed. However, for the S&D Group, there is a major issue as regards the provisions on equal treatment. The Council insists that the employment rights for transferees should be based on the Directive on Posted Workers, but this is unacceptable to us as we believe they should get the same treatment as nationals of the member state they are transferred to.