Recognition of professional qualifications and administrative co-operation through the internal market information system

This report deals with the revision of Directive 2005/36/EC and aims at simplifying and clarifying the recognition of professional qualifications throughout Europe. Professional mobility is fundamental to competitiveness and employment in Europe. Despite the fact that a European legal framework has existed since the 1970s, the level of professional mobility remains low, partly due to the lack of clear and simple rules. The Commission’s initial proposal was therefore identified as one of the 12 key instruments to stimulate growth and strengthen confidence amongst EU citizens.

The S&D rapporteur's key achievement is the introduction of the European professional card, which she has been calling for since 2007. This card is based on the internal market information system (IMI) and will take its place alongside the standard system. Furthermore, the procedures for recognition under the general system will be more effective and have been speeded up. Access to reliable and useful information for professionals has also been improved.