S&Ds - Weekly Update. This week's highlights and what's coming up

Quote of the week by S&D MEP Jeppe Kofod, on tax justice

“We need to end corporate impunity. The €200 billion money-laundering scandal of Danske Bank and the Cum-Ex revelations shows that Europe continues to be woefully ill equipped to prevent, detect, stop and prosecute scandals linked to financial crimes and tax evasion. That is why we are happy to have also won our political aim to support a European Financial Intelligence Unit (EU FIU) which will contribute to the fight against serious cross-border economic crimes.”

Upcoming activities

We’re buckling up for busy activities, both in committees and the mini-plenary session in Brussels, on 3-4 April.

On Monday at 19h, we invite for a press conference in the European Parliament, S&D vice-president Eric Andrieu (FR) who will present you the results of the vote of his report in the agricultural committee earlier that day on the common market organisation rules in the frame of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform.

Yet again, the Mobility Package, affecting 3.6 million professional drivers in Europe is on the agenda. After the decision in Strasbourg to refer this very difficult file back to the transport committee, the vote is now scheduled for Tuesday and if it goes well, it will be voted in the plenary on Thursday. Ismail Ertug (S&D, DE) is at the forefront to achieve better working conditions.

On Thursday, Maria Arena (S&D, BE) is finalising the important dossier on work-life balance with first time European minimum standards for paternity leave (10 days paid at sick leave level for fathers), parental leave (eight months for parents with incentives for a fair share between man and woman) and carers’ leave (5 days a year).

On the agenda of the plenary session, we will debate with prime minister of Sweden Stefan Löfven on the future of Europe. We will also debate Brexit with representatives of the Council and Commission. There are key files on the agenda. MEPs will debate and vote on common rules for the internal market for natural gas. Our negotiator and spokesperson for internal market is Dan Nica (S&D, RO).

On Thursday, we will also follow a key vote on the aid to the fisheries sector. Eric Andrieu (S&D, FR) will take the lead in highlighting our commitment to the protection of marine ecosystems and the sustainability of the activities that depend on them in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, we will discuss and vote on the Pan-European Personal Pension Product in plenary.

Besides committee work and the plenary, our president, MEPs and teams will not only be busy with preparations for more #EuropeTogether events, but also for an extended Go Local tour. Thus, the team will be touring Europe, reaching Romania, Belgium, Ireland, Portugal, Croatia, Slovakia, Hungary, Italy France and Poland.

Also, on April 12 we’re bringing our #EuropeTogether debate to Budapest, Hungary, to talk about a much-needed social Europe. Registrations and the full program are available here.

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